
Mitch- Lead Vocals, Rhythm Guitar
Mitch has been playing guitar since the age of 14.
However his real love has always been singing. His
influences include Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Santana, The
Beatles, Bob Seger, The Allman Brothers, America, Tom Petty, Gordon
Lightfoot, and many others. He started his first band in high
school, which played many school functions and private parties from
1968 to 1973. Life interrupted his musical career and he took
twenty some year break from playing professionally to raise a family,
although his love for music never waned. In 1997 he formed
Comfortably Numb with his youngest son, Seth, playing lead guitar, Tom
Vaughn on drums, and Rich Dominguez on bass. The band began
playing out in Lancaster, Ohio and quickly grew in popularity.
Soon they found themselves playing in venues all around the
Columbus area. The band has played at The Home Tavern in
Logan, The Mill,
JD Henderson's,
The Ole' Roadhouse Saloon, The Hilltop Lounge, and The Orange Carpet Lounge
in Lancaster, and Boozes
Bar and Grille and The
Midway in Heath, The
Lighthouse in Zanesville, Big Georges Bar and Grill
in Plain City, The Port
Bar in Thornport, and many more. The band has
also played many private functions including Slow Joes and Larry Land.
Over the years members have come and gone but the spirit of
band has always remained the same, to play classic rock and have fun
doing it!!

Lead Guitar: "Music is a universal language"
Zeke first started playing guitar when he was 25
old. He has been in several local bands in Ohio and some of
favorite artists include: David Gilmour, Warren Haynes, Jimmy
Page, Jeff Beck, Gary Moore, Slash, and Billy Gibbons. Even
though Zeke has gone through lots of different music equipment and
twice as many guitars over the years, he always seems to come back to
his Gibson, Les Paul, and Marshall Tube Amps to get the job done.

Drums, Back-up Vocals

Bass, Back-up Vocals
That guy in the Jimi Hendrix T-shirt.
Below to Hear Us Play!
